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Thursday, August 16, 2012


in response to The Think Tank Thursday at Poets United*

Do you remember the moment I dreamed for you?
I hung that net on my wall adorned with tiny strings and beads and feathers
and blessed beyond the heavens according to the lady who sold it
folded myself into bed and wished
for you.
I knew in the back of my mind that you don't answer to dreams or 
even blatant requests but I was just, you know, hoping
hoping that maybe I could will you somewhere 
but that didn't work with anything else i did so maybe I just bought it because it was pretty
next morning I peel the sleep from my eyes
you coughed politely
there you were.
caught between strings with a feather in your mouth
you pleaded silently to be cut down but I ignored you for myself
handed you a sword and laid down, commanded you
and for a while
we fit, saviour and saved. 
you cut down everything that wasn't you and I fed you bits of my skin and dripped water into your mouth
but your eyelashes drooped
and your fingernails turned yellow
and while yellow is my favourite colour
I know murder when it's human-shaped.
I untied your hand and convinced myself I had Stockholmed you into loving me
that you were coming back
that I could wait
that I was only waiting
until then I hung my net across my chest, afraid to dream to hard.

*Think Tank Thursday is a weekly prompt where ports are given a subject to write on. this week was "Dreamcatcher".


  1. Very good piece, intriguing if I must say so

  2. Wow! This one pulls at the heart! Hope and love! Dreams that we strive for, but some we are afraid to accept....I love it!

  3. Oh, so sad...trying to capture the one you love and not feeling the love back~ This did tug at my heart strings, too!
    Well Done

  4. Stockholmed--great verb.

    "I know murder when it's human-shaped."

    Fantastic phrasing. Realizing the evil amid having what you want, in your favorite color.

    The ending was so good, plugging your power's escape.
